
Echoes from past,

Ghosts of yesterday

Shape us now


We are the sum of our parts.


Past experiences have shaped us.


Challenges we have faced, have left scars.  Like echoes from the past.


Whilst learning from past experience has it’s place, letting the past hold a negative influence over our future is optional.  We can choose another path.  A path that requires discipline and focus, as costs of entry.


Living Now – A Path Less Beaten

We can live in the present and make our peace with the past.


We can learn to cultivate a mindset focused on the positive.  One based in abundance, kindness and love, not scarcity, spite and fear.  We can choose to let go of negativity.


We can remove negative energy from our lives.  We can learn to let go of past hurt.  We can let go of yesterday’s grudges.  We can remove the toxic people from our lives.


We can surround ourselves with people that care.  Others that choose to put the best of themselves into the world.  We can commit to leave positive footprints, wherever we are.


We can establish a gratitude practice.  Embracing all that we have.  Being thankful.


We can take accountability for our own headspace.   We can refuse to be shackled to past failings.


We can commit to having our skin in the game.   Knowing we will fall and fail but also being married to the process of picking ourselves up and trying again and again.


We can embrace the journey that is our life.  We can choose to live that life with as much zest and energy as we can muster, every day.


We can breathe in the positive and breathe out the negative.  We can reset.  We can be kinder to ourselves.


We can refuse to let the echoes from yesterday run our today.


Haiku: by me


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