On Helping Others

“The sage does not hoard. The more he helps others, the more he benefits himself, the more he gives to others, the more he gets himself. The Way of the sage is to act but not to compete.”

– Lao Tzu



Be kind.


Be respectful.


Be of service.


Show up for others.


Be the person other people can lean on and talk to.  Be the light.


Listen without judgement.  Be present.


Give without expectation.


Show up.  Work hard.  Be a professional.  Be consistent.


Share ideas.  Give freely.


Influence a culture of positivity.  A culture based on giving.


The Debt We Owe

Helping others is a debt we all owe.  Simple acts of kindness can make the world a better place.  The more we give, the more positive energy we share with others, the better we often feel ourselves.  Win, win.


Find a way to help others.  Give what you can, when you can, in any way you can.  Make it habit.  Broader than this, see it as part of your responsibility.  Make the world a better place to be, one small act at a time.



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